Monday, September 14, 2009


(Me, trying to take a last minute author pic in the backyard... with help.)

Last week in three parts of speech: 

frenetic: (adj.) characterized by feverish activity, confusion, and hurry.

success: (n.) the achievement of something planned or attempted.

anticipate: (v.) 1. to imagine or consider something before it happens and make any necessary preparations and changes. 2. to feel excited, hopeful or eager about something that is going to happen.

Next week in three parts of speech:

insomnia: (n.) inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep long enough to feel rested.

overwhelming: (adj.) having such a great affect as to be emotionally overpowering.

delight: (v.) to gain great enjoyment or pleasure from something.

Two days of crazy prep to go, and then we're off! The ACFW conference is here all of the sudden, ready or not! Please pray that I am able to finish up a few writing objectives before we head off. This past week has been really successful (as noted above). :) I was able to get several more chapters done as well as a one sheet- which is what you use to pitch your project to editors. Think the back cover of a book. 

Pray for me as I talk to people (editors, my agent, etc.) about the project. Really, I'm just getting feedback at this point because the book isn't completed. But I feel strongly that this is a book God is asking me to write. The past year has been spent away from writing with a CONSTANT struggle between the balance of writing ministry and ministry to my family and neighborhood. Whenever I wrote, I felt guilty that I was not working elsewhere, and whenever I didn't write, I felt like I was ignoring open doors. But mostly, I was just unconvinced that writing was the correct use of my time. The things I was writing about seemed unimportant to me and of little spiritual value, thus the guilt. 

With this book project (I'll tell you more about it later), that guilt has disappeared. Although I often feel insufficient for writing on this subject, I have no doubt that I'm supposed to do it. What God does with the finished product is for Him to decide. I just know this is something I have to write.

"The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup;
   you hold my

 You make known to me the path of life;
   in your presence there is
 fullness of joy;
   at your right hand are
 pleasures forevermore."

-Psalm 16: 5, 11


  1. Yes! I so agree. This book will be fabulous.

  2. Ooo, I totally know the feeling about writing not being a correct use of time. Not that I have great insight to share now, other than to say I'm glad you're working on a project where you are free from that feeling!
